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2022 Goal Setting Live Session

Consider what you really like to achieve in your life. Be specific and realistic. You would not want to rule the whole world someday for sure. That could be an impossible life goal, but you can dream of something bigger for yourself. Know yourself, your likes and what really would make you happy. Follow your instincts when setting goals. You can manipulate both by setting short term goals that would eventually make up or lead to longer term goals. Invest on education and research when setting financial goals for yourself. If you want to accrue interests for your savings over time, make sure you do proper research about the tools and investment vehicles where you could put money, and where that money would significantly earn interests. Employ people who share your dreams and ideas. They may not share your concept on how to do things but if these people share your vision, they will at least give you alternative routes in reaching your goal. These alternative routes represent their own view with the world and their belief in doing things. Goal setting is easy, but the steps and processes to make the goals effective and the measures to achieve these goals are the part of the idea that makes the concept hard and tough. Be also aware that the way you set your own goals significantly affect the effectiveness and soundness of such goals. Thus it would be advisable if you follow these simple tips on effective setting of goals. Or perhaps, all of sudden, you're questioning the very purpose of your life. When this happens, it might be because you failed to set a personal goal for your general guidance. Without a clear-cut personal goal, you will feel adrift in an endless sea, undecided on what to do with your talents and other gifts. Having said this, professional goal setting, in its very nature, is giving emphasis on enhancing the future performance level of the individual or group. Of course, it is presumed that the group or the individual had prior experience on the process of goal setting of this nature. If there is no familiarity with the process, the goal setting exercise is even more important. 

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