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7 Goal-Setting Categories | Dave Ramsey

Outcome goals are usually situations or state of being that sometimes are out of control. Be specific when setting goals. By being specific, you have to specify the desired and target outcome of a set of actions or moves. By being specific, you also set measurability of an action, so you can check every now and then the progress you are doing over a goal. Specific Employee goals need to be specific so the employees would know the definite and specific activities that need to be accomplished. For example, if a manager tells an employee improve client satisfaction, the employee would still feel a little confused because the order is still broad and too general. Moreover, in this time where there are lots of stimuli or disturbances in people's concentrations, it is very easy to get lost even in the jungle of their own thoughts -- even during their planning exercises. And this doesn't include the familiar adage of "making your goal planning more effective". That could be an impossible life goal, but you can dream of something bigger for yourself. Know yourself, your likes and what really would make you happy. Follow your instincts when setting goals. Be positive. Remember, being optimistic would help you achieve and set better life goals for yourself. Having a good feeling about a goal would definitely help you put out all of your heart and efforts to achieving that goal. Short term goals are far better motivation tools than long term, but they can be used to eventually lead to longer-term goals and targets. Goals should reflect priorities. Make sure goals are in line and not conflicting with priorities. Otherwise, the efforts to achieve the set of goals would be futile and inutile despite a good and strong set of motivation and determination. Suggest some step-by-step procedures or processes on how the set goals can be achieved. Of course, the teen would eventually figure out the measures he must take to know the techniques, but you have to still suggest specific and vivid suggestions on how to effectively accomplish the goals. Remember that as an older being, you are far more knowledgeable and experienced when it comes to matter of life, so imparting a little knowledge and wisdom would be a welcome note in the part of the teen. 

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