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Achieve More by Setting Smart Goals

Suddenly at loss what to do with your life, you often ask how to put some direction to it. Or perhaps, all of sudden, you're questioning the very purpose of your life. When this happens, it might be because you failed to set a personal goal for your general guidance. Without a clear-cut personal goal, you will feel adrift in an endless sea, undecided on what to do with your talents and other gifts. Performance goals can be achieved if you have the skill, talent and knowledge about these goals. Outcome goals are not like that, and sometimes are depending on sheer luck and fate, which sometimes you could not do nothing about but just wait and see. Make sure you do something to achieve your life goals, not just merely wait and see what unfolds. Of course, it is presumed that the group or the individual had prior experience on the process of goal setting of this nature. If there is no familiarity with the process, the goal setting exercise is even more important. But what does professional goal setting provide for an individual or group? Perhaps the individual, alone or as a part of a group, has a prior immersion with personal or career planning. There are even instances that if someone is tired, simply looking at several pages of paper can be a stressful exercise. How much more if this involves the effort of "deciphering" a product of an earlier mixed-up thought now more muddled in a piece of paper? This is where a goal setting worksheet can be proven useful. But it is to be noted that efficient and effective time management would have to entail a greater skill, that is, effective goal setting. Goal setting and time management Goal setting and time management are two different concepts, but they are practically inter-related and inter-twined. Time management would not be effective and achievable without goal setting. With your constant interaction with other people, you may come across with ideas that haven t entered your realization earlier. The performance of these people, moreover, can be very beneficial to you. Their experiences might shed some light on things that continue to baffle you in the first place. Your colleagues experiences in the workplace can be a rich source of knowledge in terms of performance assessment. 

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