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Funny Motivational Speaker Billy Riggs talks about Goal Setting

Some Simple Guidelines for Effective Setting of Goals They say that the best opportunities offered to you in life are the very same opportunities you create. Physics law of inertia states that without a force or action imposed on an object, no motion or movement can take place. The same is true with your life. The company would not move forward and achieve goals and targets if the team players, the workers or employees that make up the group are not participating or cooperating whole-heartedly. That is why it is imperative that companies every now and them set employee goal setting activities to help employees better understand the dynamics of the team and motivate them to cooperate in the collective idea and goal of achieving progress and development for the company. The importance of goal setting Because goal setting is really an activity that brings about more advantages than disadvantages, it is logical that the concept has its own set of plusses and merits. The goal setting activity is the time when one s self is evaluated and assessed. That is why one importance of goal setting is that it provides a venue for one to know himself or herself better. Here are some useful tips that would surely help you teach your teens to effectively set their goals: Explain to the teen why goals, be it for the short term or the long term, are very crucial and important. Sometimes, teens would not understand why they would have to set goals when there is no guaranty that these goals would ever be achieved. If you want to accrue interests for your savings over time, make sure you do proper research about the tools and investment vehicles where you could put money, and where that money would significantly earn interests. Buying financial magazines and books or attending crash courses and seminars would sometimes make up for costly investments, but for sure they would definitely be worth it. Set the goals for the team. Make sure the goals are clear and acceptable to each of the sports team member. Remember, victory and success of the team would certainly be a collective effort, that is why no one should be ever left out when it comes to the important task of goal setting. Set out an group or individual appointment to know each member s situation and personal condition. 

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