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How to Set Goals | Effective Goal Setting in 10 Steps - Jim Rohn

There s nothing more annoying than a person trying to tell you something, yet you can t understand what he's talking about. The same goes for your inner self. Being indecisive is frustrating and feeding this habit will only be futile to your quest of searching for career goal answers. The more detailed you are with your plans, the better. On the other hand, long term goals are to achieved or attained within longer range of time, usually, months, years, or often, indefinitely. Patience and determination are ought to be kept when keeping or maintaining long term goals. You can manipulate both by setting short term goals that would eventually make up or lead to longer term goals. Use active words. Active words are not only for writers; they should also work perfectly with your business goal. Do not use passive words and passive sentences because these will give you the feeling of indirect responsibility. Do say: My company will capture this particular market by the middle of next year , and not: This particular market will be captured by my company by the middle of next year . This aspect is closely related with career, so better review and come out with a goal with these two side by side. 4. Potential development. Perhaps some of your talents and skills need an improvement, or are maybe already clamoring for an improvement. Life, after all, is discovering your potential and developing it in the process. By so doing, you would be able to avoid the trap of overestimating or either underestimating yourself. The importance of goal setting Because goal setting is really an activity that brings about more advantages than disadvantages, it is logical that the concept has its own set of plusses and merits. The goal setting activity is the time when one s self is evaluated and assessed. Just don't forget that creating and even planning ways to achieve it is equally important. You should also have a method of checking your progress. Say, for example, you have decided to prioritize your personal growth and you have set a goal for this. What you will need is a procedure in which you can monitor each step of the goal so as to make the necessary revisions. 

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