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CashVille Kidz Episode 11: Goal & Goal Setting

Experts in the human resources industry know the idea of SMART goal setting. The concept is not to be strictly followed, but adhering to them would help one individual achieve target goals and aims. The SMART is an acronym that stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. One tool that is widely used by profound and organized corporations and companies around the world is the employee goal setting document forms that are distributed to be filled out by employees. It would be impossible for anyone to set priorities without first setting goals. Priorities are things that should be given primary and foremost focus and attention. The same goes for goals. Priorities and goals are almost the same in a way that both are the ultimate targets and aims of each individual. This is also a pledge of the institution to its target beneficiary, by giving itsthe best service, through comprehensive training of its manpower. Having said this, professional goal setting, in its very nature, is giving emphasis on enhancing the future performance level of the individual or group. Of course, it is presumed that the group or the individual had prior experience on the process of goal setting of this nature. Being indecisive is frustrating and feeding this habit will only be futile to your quest of searching for career goal answers. The more detailed you are with your plans, the better. Instead of writing down "Own a car in two years", you will find that writing "Buy a Silver Ford Escape by September 2008" is more helpful. If you re working on your personal improvement, it is important that you come up with step-by-step procedure on how to achieve your major goal. This step-by-step procedure is to be broken down further into smaller steps, so that monitoring the progress of the minute detail plan is possible almost on a daily basis. The concreteness of your goal will be measured by how measurable it will become in terms of assessing the overall progress of your goal. Quantifiable is the word used by many expert. From this, it is easy to remember that what we are talking about is something that has quantity, or something that can be counted on. 

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