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GOAL SETTING BOOKS FOR KIDS | Read Alouds and Goal Setting Lesson for the Classroom

Just like your personal or professional goal setting, the process of setting performance goals for the employees should begin with the listing down of the company or organization s need. And if on the personal level, you consider it important to converse with yourself, how much more for the employees and the company that they are working with? Here are some suggestions on how you should go about it. 1. Be clear on what you want to be. There s nothing more annoying than a person trying to tell you something, yet you can t understand what he's talking about. The same goes for your inner self. Being indecisive is frustrating and feeding this habit will only be futile to your quest of searching for career goal answers. Adults and analytic people know how to be realistic most of the time. Do not aim for the sky. They say, aim for the ceiling instead of the sky, because the ceiling is easier to reach than the sky. By so doing, achieving a goal becomes easier and more motivating. If you want to pursue a higher goal after attaining an initial one, then go for it. That makes goal setting measurable, and that what makes it extra helpful and insightful. By measuring progress and development in one endeavour, you are given the chance to improve and do more when the gauge indicates there are still more effort needed. Failure Another importance of goal setting techniques and measures is opening you to the possibility of failure. Since the very purpose of goal setting is to be achievable, your goals should be challenging enough to stimulate you but realistic enough so as not to discourage you in the end. For instance, you want to set a goal for your personal growth, as a person and as a professional. These two can be easily confused into one thing but they are different. And Dan Brown, setting aside his writing talents, what was his real goal in coming out with such a book? Everything else being equal, an effective goal setting strategy will spell the difference. But how to do it? 1. Be clear. If you want a clear and tangible result, then set a clear and tangible goal. 

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